Legally Aided Mediation Harlow

Fast appointments – Cost effective service for couples – Professional Specialist Family Mediators – Impartial & Confidential – Day, Evening & Weekend Slots.

legally aided
Family Mediation UK

Why UK Family Mediation Service Harlow ?

Mediation is a process that involves a trained mediator who helps family members resolve disputes related to finances, children, and property.

In the United Kingdom, family mediation can be an effective way for couples to avoid going to court and resolving their disputes amicably. In this blog post, we will discuss how UK Family Mediation can assist with legally aided mediation.

What is Legal Aid Mediation?

A legal aid agency like ourselves is the process of using a mediator to help resolve disputes between two people who are eligible for legal aid.

Legal aid is financial assistance provided by the government to those who can’t afford legal representation. Legal aid mediation can help couples resolve disputes related to financial matters or child arrangements without incurring significant costs.

If you are in receipt of universal credit or on a low income then you are able to claim mediation cost support – all you will need to start is a copy of your bank statements.

Benefits of Legal aid family mediation Harlow

Legally aided mediation has several advantages over traditional court proceedings. 

Some of the benefits include:

  • Cost-effective: Legal aid mediation is typically less expensive than going to court.
  • Mediation costs are covered
  • Confidentiality: Mediation is a confidential process, which means that anything discussed during the process cannot be used as evidence in court.
  • Control: Both parties have more control over the outcome of the dispute compared to leaving it up to a judge to decide.
  • Faster resolution: Mediation can often result in a faster resolution compared to going through the court system.

How We Can Help?

UKFM is dedicated to helping families resolve disputes through mediation meetings. They provide legally aided mediation can help couples resolve disputes without going to court. 

Some of the ways that UKFM can assist include:

  • Providing a neutral mediator who will facilitate discussions and help both parties reach a resolution.
  • Ensuring that both parties understand their legal rights and obligations.
  • Helping both parties come up with creative solutions that may not be possible in court.
  • Providing a safe and confidential environment for discussions to take place


You may qualify for legal aid for mediation if you have income support, housing costs covered need help with legal costs for you and your ex partners first mediation meeting.

How to Access Legal Aid Mediation

To get legal aid mediation, both parties must be eligible for legal aid. They must also agree to participate in the mediation process. To apply for legal aid, both parties must provide evidence of their financial situation. If they are eligible, they will be referred to a legal aid mediator who can help them resolve their dispute.

How UK Family Mediation Service can help with legally aided mediation Harlow?

Legal aid mediation can be an effective way for couples to resolve their disputes without the need for expensive court proceedings. UK Family Mediation Service Harlow provides legal aid mediation services that can help couples reach a resolution in a safe and confidential environment.

If you or your ex partner is in receipt of universal credits you should be eligible to apply for legal aid mediation sessions and can be used towards financial settlement disputes as well.

By choosing mediation, couples can retain more control over the outcome of their dispute and save time and money.

Claim legal aid HERE